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How can I increase sex time for the first time

How can I increase sex time for the first time?

Maya Mumbai Escorts

A lot will depend on your interests, personal taste, and the people you’re spending the first night with while making plans. Here are some broad strokes to follow when planning an unforgettable first night, whether you’re doing it solo, with a significant other, or with friends

Set the mood.

Think on the mood you wish to set. Is it more your style—romantic, cozy, or energetic?
Pick the right lighting, whether it’s low-light bulbs, delicate candles, or fairy lights.
To set the ambiance you want, choose some music or background noise.

Choose Activities:

Make a plan that combines your hobbies with those of your employer. It can involve going for a stroll, playing a board game, having an in-depth discussion, or viewing a movie.
Sharing a dinner, stargazing, or getting massages are all great ways to bring people closer together and create an intimate atmosphere on a romantic evening.

Prepare food and drinks.

A decision needs to be made regarding whether you will cook a dinner together, order takeout, or prepare snacks in advance.
Take into consideration your tastes and ensure that you have a selection of beverages available to you, such as water, wine, cocktails, and non-alcoholic alternatives.

Create Comfort:

Make certain that your area is clean and organized.
The availability of soft blankets and pleasant seating arrangements should be ensured.
Think of using things such as pillows or cushions to make the space more comfortable.


Talk about your evening plans with any guests you have so that everyone is on the same page and happy with the activities.
Be willing to listen to others and change your plans based on what they want.

Consider Safety:

Get a ride home before you hit the town, especially if you’re planning on drinking.
Before you stay, make sure you have someone to call in an emergency and that you have taken all the appropriate safety measures.

Unplug and relax.

Reduce the amount of time you spend in front of the screen and more actively engage with your coworkers.
Put your worries about work or anything else on hold for a while and just enjoy being here and now.


After the night is over, take a moment to reflect on what went well and what you might do differently next time. This can help you improve future experiences.
Remember, the most important aspect of planning your first night is to have fun and create lasting memories. Enjoy the moment and the company you’re with today